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Camp Meetings

Put on your Bible Camp Meeting in the fantastic mountains of Northern Arizona


El Nathan Ministries is committed to telling people about Jesus and getting them into the Word of God, the Bible.  Camp Meetings are one of the best ways to do that.


We are strategically located in the beautiful mountains of Northern Arizona


We have been helping churches do camp meetings for a long time.  


We can host 200 people during the day.  Multiple buildings for chapels, meetings, and kids programs help to make your camp meeting a success.

Camp Meetings
El Nathan Ministries

We are the only Christian Camp and Retreat ministry in Flagstaff, Arizona.  Camp Meetings have been a part of our history since 1935.  This heritage helps us to help you put on a successful camp meeting, full of biblical teaching, meaningful music, and wholesome fun.  We don't get in your way, but rather we help you put on a great camp meeting.


3910 E. El Paso Drive   -   Flagstaff, Arizona, 86004

(928) - 863 - 0845

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El Nathan Ministries

3910 E. El Paso Drive   -   Flagstaff, Arizona, 86004

(928) - 863 - 0845

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